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Job skills classes in Clare libraries

27 October 2021

Clare County Library is delighted to announce a series of job skills classes for those who are currently not working in paid employment, considering a career change or are currently furloughed. The classes will take place in November.

The classes will take place in the following libraries: Ennis, Ennistymon, Kilrush, Shannon and Scariff. The four-week programme will cover a range of topics including job search skills, CVs and cover letters, interview skills and inspiring confidence for returning to the workplace. The tutor-led classes will be of 90 minutes’ duration and will take place in mornings, afternoons and evenings. Numbers at the classes are limited due to current restrictions, however small groups mean there will be a lot of support and personal attention.

Jennifer Laudat-Smith of Jayarel Consulting, an independent training and coaching service based in County Clare, will deliver the classes.

The classes are delivered as part of Clare County Library service’s ‘Work Matters’ programme. Work Matters aims to assist those seeking employment or setting up their own business by providing relevant resources in libraries. As well as books and e-resources it also includes free PC access and photocopying and printing services.

Funding for this programme is from the Dormant Accounts. It is one of five funding programmes that will take place in Clare libraries in 2021. Other programmes included an art therapy programme for children, provision of hearing loops and new signage. Clare County Library is also distributing Touch-type, Read and Spell (TTRS) licences, a literacy software program, to schools.

The classes will take place at the locations, dates and times stated below.

Scariff Library

Tuesday, 16th November, to Tuesday, 7th December, 11:30am-1:00pm.

To book, and for further information, contact Scariff Library on 061-922893.

De Valera Library, Ennis

Wednesday, 17th November, to Wednesday, 8th December, 10:30am-12:00pm.

To book, and for further information, contact De Valera Public Library on 065-6846353.

Shannon Library

Thursday, 18th November, to Thursday, 9th December, 6:30pm-8:00pm.

To book, and for further information, contact Shannon Library on 061-364266.

Kilrush Library

Thursday, 25th November, to Thursday, 16th December, 10:30am-12:00pm

To book, and for further information, contact Kilrush Library on 065-9051504.

Ennistymon Library

Friday, 26th November, to Friday, 17th December, 10:30am-12:00pm.

To book, and for further information, contact Ennistymon Library on 065-7071245.

For further information contact Cora Gunter, Senior Executive Librarian, by telephone at 065-6899086 or by email at

Page last reviewed: 27/10/21

Content managed by: Library Service

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